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Rainbow Angels Nurseries are warm and welcoming nurseries that aim to nurture every child through their learning by providing them with the best possible start in life.

We offer full or part-time quality day care for children aged 3 months to 11 years from diverse and multicultural backgrounds including private day care, sessional classes, breakfast clubs, afterschool clubs and holiday clubs. Our nurseries are accessible to families from the local and surrounding communities and commuting parents and guardians.

Information about our nurseries is widely available in oral and written form. We welcome enquiries from mothers, fathers, guardians and carers, about the support we can offer each child based on their individual requirements.

Our nurseries have a minimum attendance requirement of 2 sessions per week (different days) for each child as this allows staff to better assess your child’s learning journey and development.  We work with mothers, fathers, guardians and carers to ascertain how we can best accommodate each child’s attendance requirement.

By appointment only, prospective parents or guardians are welcome to view our nurseries.



Parents, guardians and carers should contact their preferred Rainbow Angels Nursery by telephone or email to confirm availability of places for children, before completing our Child Registration Form.  Once the nursery has confirmed in writing that there are places for children within your child’s age range, parents are required to:

  • •  on confirmation of availability from your chosen nursery pay the non-refundable Registration Fee of £75 and Deposit (one month's nursery fee) into the nursery's bank account, then send a confirmatory email to the nursery. The nursery will then provide the parent or guardian with the Offer Letter confirming the offer of a place for the child, fees, start date and attendance sessions

  • •    sign and return the Offer Letter to the nursery

  • •  the month prior to the child’s start date at the nursery, pay the first month’s Nursery Fee, and monthly in advance on the 15th of     each month thereafter as set out in the Offer Letter

  • •    take the completed Child Registration Form and supporting documents to the first settling in session.


Applying For A Nursery Place

To apply for a place at a Rainbow Angels Nursery or to request more information please Contact Us.


Siblings Discount

We offer a 10% discount to siblings of children currently attending the nursery where both are attending for at least 3 full days per week.  The discount applies to the eldest child fees. Priority is given to siblings on our waiting list where the nursery has available places.


Settling In

To make the transition from home or another nursery to a Rainbow Angels Nursery as enjoyable and stress free as possible the nursery will arrange settling in sessions with you before your child is due to start nursery to agree a personalised plan for your child’s learning and welfare, and to better understand how we can support your child.

We offer free settling in sessions prior to your child’s start date where you and your child may visit the nursery for sessions of one hour increasing the time up to three hours.  This allows parents and children to get to know the staff and for children to familiarise themselves with their nursery.


Waiting List

Your preferred Rainbow Angels Nursery may not be able to offer your child a place at the nursery at the time of your enquiry.  In such instances we will place your child on our waiting list and contact you when a place becomes available, at which point you will be required to complete our admissions procedures.  Places at our nursery are prioritised and allocated in order of children already in attendance, siblings of children already in attendance, and the amount of sessions being requested. 

Should you no longer require a place at the nursery, please inform the nursery that you wish to have your child’s name removed from the waiting list. 


Cancellation Of Acceptance

Notice of cancellation of acceptance of a place at the nursery should be provided to the nursery at least one month in advance of the child’s start date at the nursery.  Parents who cancel acceptance within this time are not required to pay fees in lieu of notice but the nursery will retain the Deposit. 

Cancellations must be emailed to your nursery or delivered by recorded post.  Parents should ensure that they receive confirmation from the nursery that the cancellation request has been received.



The Deposit may be refunded upon your child leaving the nursery less any outstanding payments due to the nursery.  Please note that the nursery may retain the Deposit in keeping with our Cancellation Policy.